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Magnetic Tie Tacks, what are they and how to wear them.

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Fashion always repeats itself, but now with a magnetic twist. We invented a tie tack that not only serves a purpose of securing your tie without poking holes in your fine fabrics, but also lends itself to a revived fashion statement from the early 1900's. We have put together some styling examples for reference.

Our line of Mag TAK™s are constructed with very powerful magnets that can be used on ties, jacket lapels and on hats as a hat pin. The style options of the Mag TAK™ s that we offer range from modern and minimal designs to authentic antique pieces from the 1900's upcycled as magnetic pins.

Worn high on the tie right below the knot. Make a statement and start a conversation

Examples of upcycled antique pieces from the 1900's. Incredible detailed designs and picture stories told by the artists of their day. Interesting article on our blog " The History of the Button" by Charles Dickens.

You pick a tie and we will hook you up with a MagTAK to go with it

Striped enamel upcycled Mag TAK™ with paisley silk covered back button

Upcycled elements with a fun twist with a magnetic silk covered back button. Here you go Charles!

Order 2 or more from any of our stores and get them packaged in a unique vintage trinket / stash box FREE! Looking for a particular style or color? Just contact us for ideas. Do you have some ties that you would like to match up with some Mag TAK™s? Just send us some images and we will present back to you selections for your consideration. Have some fun with your accessories while starting a conversation. The ultimate nod to historical fashion and style while doing your part to recycle.