A unique his & hers accessories boutique

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Victorian His & Hers Styling Elements

I love watching period movies and TV shows, like Peaky Blinders & Boardwalk Empire. Men sporting incredible neckties, waistcoats & collar bars & women donning gorgeous dresses with such feminine details. Our product line offers elements of these historical fashion trends so that you can enjoy the essence of the look without a period costume look.

One of our antique Victorian button Mag TAK magnetic tie tacks featuring foliage & crane, worn high on the tie.

Featured: Victorian Black Glass "Bubbles" from Paris, Hand painted porcelain floral Victorian Mag TAK & Russel Terrier Essex reverse painted crystal glass pendant.

Victorian tinted steel button reinvented as a magnetic tie tack Mag TAK. Incredible detail and craftsmanship from 100 years ago.